This Is Evidence Multitasking Is Not Efficient and Disrupts Health
Not only you who work in the office, doing various jobs simultaneously or multitasking, can be applied by anyone. However, not the benefits that can be obtained, multitasking proved inefficient and can bring risks to health.
Not without reason, this is supported by several studies which state that busyness in multitasking will only make you work ineffectively.
Multitasking will Reduce Work Productivity
When you feel you are working effectively with multitasking, what the brain actually does is to shift focus back and forth. Even though the cerebral cortex in the brain can only focus on one thing at a time. As a result, focusing back and forth in a fast time ultimately affects the quality of the work done. The time needed for the brain to change focus also makes the process of working not optimal. The experts estimate, doing multitasking work will cause a decrease in productivity up to 40 percent due to errors due to reduced levels of concentration. Contrary to the assumption so far, multitasking is not beneficial in saving time. Doing two jobs simultaneously, it will take longer than doing one at a time. On the safety side, doing multitasking work can also invite danger. For example, someone who drives while talking on a cellphone is compared to someone who drives drunk.Ultimately, it's bad for yourself
Do not think multitasking will make life easier, on the contrary, the effect of doing several jobs simultaneously actually harms health.Triggering stress
Research shows that a group of workers who are asked to be ready to receive e-mails is much more stressed than workers who check e-mails at certain times. Similarly for those of you who are students, multitasking saves the risk of complications. Study habits while watching television will make you experience stress especially when you are not able to optimally complete the exam. In addition, you can feel insecure or even depressed because you cannot complete the exam.
Interferes with heart rate and blood pressure
Stress caused by doing multitasking work risks causing stress. Long-term stress can interfere with heart rate, increase blood pressure, and decrease endurance, making you more vulnerable to type 2 diabetes.
Short-term memory disorder
Going two things together, not only risks losing important details in the task, it also disrupts short-term memory. This is based on the results of a study of people who are older.
Decreased creativity
Doing work with multitasking makes the brain work harder. A study shows, this condition can reduce the ability to think creatively because the brain's capacity is full. For a worker who needs creativity and imagination, of course this can adversely affect his ability to work optimally.
Some work done in multitasking, such as driving while talking or typing SMS, is considered very dangerous. The same thing applies to a pedestrian. A study shows that 20 percent of teens experience traffic accidents due to walking while operating a cellphone.
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